You know what you do next, don't you? Of course. You update your status.
This share service is the most actively used in Facebook. Through the wall, we share our status; the joke we have just secretly laughed at; a photo we have uploaded; a video we have downloaded from You Tube ; and some people even use this same wall to market and earn revenue. But, this well thought of and developed service happens to be the most abused too.
How Do People Abuse the Wall?
Some people just share too much. They share irrelevantly.
Have you ever heard of the story where two guys ended up jobless because of their shared updates? Well, the story is a little out dated, and right now everyone is cautioned. People don't talk shit about others anymore. People talk shit about themselves these days.
For instance, last week a friend of mine updated his status claiming to be naturally attracted to older women. I am very sure his girlfriend, who happens not to be 'older women' read this. But that was not all. A few minutes later, he came back with another update. This time he claimed to be addicted to pornography.
I read this update. Rubbed my eyes. Read it once again. The second time straining to correct any blurred vision. But it was still the same words. This was not because I have never read shit. No. In fact this was polite. This was because I know him, and this was just not him!
I wonder what can motivate such an ego. Is it the fact that we type those words privately? It is always a private mobile handset, a personal computer in your room, or a privately secured desktop in a cyber cafe. But the whole world reads them.
Pals, let's watch out our updates.
"The Internet describes censorship as damage, but routes around it"
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