The little conversation seemed to interesting to both of us, even though, mostly, I was playing the passive role. The man was just talkative. He enjoyed explaining the details of his work while I was happy to get answers to some of my curious questions.
Contrary to my expectations, the anti-climax came when I brought up the issue of E-Commerce.
"Are you using E-Commerce?" I asked.
"No" He had nothing to add further.
"But what do you think about the strategy?" I tried again.
"I find it complicated in a way that doesn't make sense." He managed carelessly.
The immediate change in his mood was surprising. I looked at him and I remember sighing. I simply knew that I was going no where. Before I could say anything else, he looked at me back cautiously, and said: "Listen, E-Marketing has a lot of disadvantages than advantages." And that was period.
The Internet era is moving fast. The short-spaced developments in the Technology have profound effects. This is especially in E-Business where it is really stretching and widening the available opportunities for all. For instance, the W3C is currently working on two relevant principles:
- Web For All - which focuses on removing all the barriers to Internet accessibility by users, irrespective of disability, language, etc. This project has drastically increased online population, the existing and potential customer base.
- Web On Everything - which focuses on enabling Internet accessibility on a wide range of devices. The development has awoken M-Commerce, where business people negotiate and carry out transactions worth millions using their handset devices.
Do you want to hear my view point? I anticipate a future when all forms of businesses will be forced to fully computerize their systems, and to grab a place in the online market. Or, they simply won't be able to compete!
The first Internet company to reach 10 million customers: Amazon, 1999
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