
Oct 23, 2010

3 Characteristics Of Information That Online Publishers And Marketers Should Pay Attention To - Reach

Previously... parent post.

1. Reach.

This refers to two things. These are:

One,Reach refers to the potential number of readers a publisher can interact with - for publishers, or the potential number of customers a business can interact with - for Marketers. The common word is traffic. Generating this traffic is one of the greatest challenges online publishers, advertisers and marketers face. The strategies involved include:

Two, Reach also refers to the diversity of the contents publishers can provide, or the number of different categories and products a consumer interface, i.e. store, catalog, website, can cover. For instance, diverse content can be experience in Wikipedia, while a wide range of products can be found in Amazon.

2. Richness.
3. Affiliation.

"Have you ever seen a web page and wondered: "Hey! How did they do that?" To find out, click the VIEW option in your browser's toolbar and select SOURCE or PAGE SOURCE. This will open a window that shows you the HTML code of the page."

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