
Jan 13, 2011

Why Search Engines Don't use Meta-tags to Crawle Site Anymore

Once upon a time, search such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, Alta Vista... ranked documents higher in their listings which had meta-keywords that corresponded to the queries typed into the search engines by their users. But the unexpected happened. The unexpected always happen. Competing Companies chuckled secretly at their wits; they started including the names of their competitors, or repeating keywords several times, in their meta-tags (standard HTML codes used to specify the content and characteristics of the document). This is a process known as 'search engine spamming'.

But this practice was not very genius, altogether.

Initially setting up their businesses, the search engine organizations had keenly taken calculated risks. Calculated in the nature that the unforeseeable uncertainties were bore both in mind and by a flexible procedural policy. Their security systems had to, in one way or another, reveal the threats. They, similarly, had to make the necessary adjustments. As a consequence, most search engines now attach limited importance to the keyword meta-tags. In fact, I have just realized that Google does not use them at all!

"One of the biggest changes brought about by electronic communications is how approaches to transmitting and transforming Information can be used for competitive advantage."

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